Spelunky 2: Beta Project (MOD)

This is a Spelunky 2 mod that recreates the look of the game's first gameplay trailer, 2 years before release.

It released on May 8, 2023. Download it on spelunky.fyi!

This webpage will go over some of the fun stuff that went into making the mod.

Work in progres.......


Here's a few screenshots captured to promote the mod. I spent forever trying to get the perfect shots, but on spelunky.fyi, it ended up being too small to see the differences anyways.... Well here you can see them up close!!


Next, I'll cover a few highlights of the mod's development.


Given that Neo Babylon is never shown off in any prerelease trailers or screenshots, you'd assume this mod wouldn't change it at all, right? ...worng!

See, in some gameplay shots, the drill in Volcana is briefly seen, which so happens to be made of Neo Babylon brick tiles. They seem the same at first, but looking closely, you'll notice it's slightly different than it's final appearance.

The edges became more beveled and the pink bricks on top turned into metal plating.

Even though this only shows off a few tiles, it's just enough information to make a full floorstyled sheet.

There were no clean images of the drill, so I redrew the image elements by hand.

Outdated Journal Images

In the games' journal, a few of the entries had images from an earlier point of the games' development. Most of these would be fixed in a later update.

Of these outdated images include: Olmec, Jiangshi, Lamassu, Frog, Fire Frog, Percy, Powerpack, Crossbow, and Laser Trap.

The Jiangshi is missing the paper on its hat. Out of all the things here, this is the only one not fixed at a later point.

The frog didn't go any design changes aside from a less blurry image. It was probably changed at the same time the fire frog image was.

The powerpack and crossbow images were fixed before the game released, but are seen in the State of Play trailer.


Just wanted to mention a few of the restorations/recreations I'm proud of in Beta Pack.

I drew onto the jungle bush textures by hand and I have no clue how I got it looking so close to the original.

This thing is barely seen like twice and it's in terrible image quality, but I knew I needed to have it in the mod.